to our journals for our world tour 2007. We are glad you are visiting this site and would like to thank everyone for all
their support. We hope you enjoy reading about our travels as we post them over the next six months. We will have pictures
and great stories to tell. We want to keep our audience riveted! We are fortunate to have the resources and time to be able
to engage in this rare opportunity. We will be starting our travels April 1 (yes April Fools Day) and plan to go through
the United States and Europe. We will be driving from San Francisco in a southerly route to eventually arrive in Boston by
May 2. From there we fly to London and cross over the channel to continental Europe. We will explore the continent using
a three-month Eurail pass. Not only will we have first class transportation but also a place to sleep if we should run out
of money. After our stint on the continent we head to the British Isles. We have a Brit Rail pass, so hitch hiking will
not be necessary. On September 5th we fly back to Boston and then hope to explore Canada a bit before heading back to San
Francisco. Our intended arrival date is October 15th. We will take a deep breath and decide whether we want to settle down
or travel some more. If so, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia will be on the agenda. We hope you enjoy this website and if
you wish to contact us our e-mail is: traveling.lisaandralph@earthlink.net.